Friday, October 15, 2010

Top 5 Secrets About

1.Download Office Templates, Add-Ins, and Clip Art

While we’re on the topic of downloading, there are a ton of , add-ins, and clip art available on the site for every application from Word to PowerPoint. You can find all these files on the Microsoft Office Online site (—which is also a great site to find information and advice on all Office applications.

2.Find Other Sites to Download Windows Desktop Themes
and Such isn’t the only site that offers Windows utilities, desktop , and the like. There are a number of other worthy sites on the Web, most of which offer a selection of free downloads (and in few cases paid ones, as well). If you’re interested in enhancing your version of Windows, check out the sites below

Non-Microsoft Sites for Windows Downloads:

Desktop Links - - -
Themes Unlimited -
Top Themes -

3.Check Out the Projects They’re Working On at
Microsoft Research

The folks at are always working on something new. The newest of the new is found at the Microsoft Research site (, which details all the projects in process at Microsoft’s research labs. What kind of products are we talking about? How about an auto DJ; collaborative video viewing; data management, exploration, and mining; junk e-mail filtering (yay!); machine learning and perception; or something called the World Wide Telescope. Want to learn more? Then explore the Microsoft Research Web site—and learn the secrets of what cool Microsoft products are coming next.

4.Use to Update All Your Microsoft Software

Microsoft doesn’t update just Windows over the Internet; it’s constantly offering bug fixes and patches for all its products, from Office to Visual Studio. Most bug fixes don’t need to be downloaded unless you’re suffering from a paricular problem. However, Microsoft does, on a semi-regular basis, gather all its interim updates for a program together into a big single update that it calls a Service Pack. When a service pack is issued, you probably ought to install it. You can find and download the latest service pack for any Microsoft product on the Service Packs page. Go to the Help and Support page (,click the Download Software link, and then click the Service Packs link. Select the product you want to update and then follow the instructions to download and install the service pack.

5.Explore Microsoft’s Other Web Sites

As you’ve seen, is just one of Microsoft’s many Web sites. There
are a lot more sites to explore if you have a particular interest. For example, Microsoft hosts more than 50 technical community Web sites. These include the product-specific sites for Windows, Office, and so on, as well as more technical sites. You can find a list of these sites by clicking the Communities link on the home page and then clicking the Find a Community link.
While we’re on the topic of technical sites, let’s not forget the Microsoft Developer’s Network (MSDN), located at This site is designed by developers for developers and includes a large library of downloadable code and other useful information. And then there are all of Microsoft’s country-specific sites. Microsoft is a multinational corporation, so it makes sense that it has versions of its Web site for all the major countries in which it operates. Click the Microsoft Worldwide link on the home page (or go to for a complete list.

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